Suggested Parent Checklist
for STUDENTS Age 18-22
Tour programming
Transition Programming
Transition Living Classroom
Project SEARCH
Adult Programs
Apply to transition programs
Apply to adult programs
Complete the eligibility requirements for Warren County Board of Developmental Disability Services
Look into the Career Center programs
Look into college requirements - average ACT scores, foreign language requirements, FAFSA
Go on college visits
Visit Office of Disability Services when going on college visits
Understand that when your child turns 22, school services will be over even if it’s not the end of the school year
Begin writing a resume
Apply for OOD (Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities) if appropriate
Apply for Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities Services
Explore guardianship options
Apply for Social Security
At the age of 18, your son/daughter can apply for Social Security Income (SSI) benefits on their own income
If eligible for SSI, apply for Medicaid
Medicaid is a medical card for your son/daughter. You may want to check your own health care insurance to see how long your child is covered under your policy
If eligible for Developmental Disability Services, check on the status of your child receiving a waiver
Complete a Medical History
Begin Health Care Transition with pediatric and adult/primary care physician
Explore this site for health care transition information:
Complete a Portable Medical Summary
This document provides a way to present your child’s medical history quickly, easily and comprehensively.
Complete a Health Passport
The health passport is a document which contains information about appropriate means of communication, support needs and wishes. It has been created for health professionals to best communicate and make appropriate decisions about the care of people with disabilities and other special needs.
Additional resources you may find helpful:
Suggested Educator Checklist
for STUDENTS Age 18-22
Provide transition activities for students
Explain the transition pages on the IEP to families
Take families on tours of adult programs
Take families on tours of transition programs
Transition Living Classroom
Project SEARCH
Share information with parents on IDEA vs. ADA
Invite adult providers or transition program instructors to IEP meetings
Make referral to OOD
Make referral to DD