There are many Programs, Tools and Support Options out that that you may be eligible for. Financial Assistance, Transportation, Home Modifications, Caregiver Support, Counseling, Pier Support, etc. Don't miss out, research the links below and review this list of questions to consider as you approach your transition.
Personal Safety
Do I know how to stay safe when I am out with friends or in new places?
Do I know who to call or tell if I am being bullied or victimized?
Would a limited or joint bank account, automatic bill pay, or debit card help me learn money management skills?
If I live in my own home or apartment, are there supports in place to help keep me safe?
Do I understand who I should and should not let into my home (i.e.: strangers, repair/utility workers)?
Is there assistive technology that can help keep me safe in my home and in the community?
What should I do if I am being abused or victimized by a significant other, support staff, a housemate, or anyone else?
Can I be at home alone or access the community without help? If not, what kind of supports do I need?
Public Safety
Do I know when and how to call for help at home or in the community?
Am I learning what to do in an emergency by practicing safety drills, and do we have a disaster plan that takes my needs into account?
Are you helping me learn how to appropriately interact with law enforcement, and are you helping public safety entities learn how to best interact with me?
Legal and Financial
How you will know if I need a guardian when I turn 18 or if there are other ways to help me stay safe?
Are you exploring alternatives to guardianship (i.e.: power of attorney or supported decision making), so I can keep my right to make my own choices and decisions?
Does my transition plan include learning skills to “be my own person” and not need a guardian for decision-making support or protection?
Are you considering my safety and protection without making me overly dependent or taking away my right to be self-determined?
Do I understand how my special needs trust can supplement my quality of life in the future?
Do I understand the concepts of money management, and how can you help me learn to manage my finances?
Are we considering options if public benefits were no longer available to help provide my support?
Who is partnering with me in supported decision making?
Do I have a special needs trust in place for “extras” that benefits don’t cover?
What is the distribution plan for my special needs trust to supplement my quality of life?
What other income sources do I have to cover my monthly costs?
Do I need help with filing my taxes, and who can assist me?
If other family members are financially responsible for my well-being, do they have the long term means and ability to do so?
COMMUNITY Information Websites
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